Reference - Engines

qaekwy.engine Module Reference

The qaekwy.engine module provides classes and utilities for interacting with the optimization engine.


The qaekwy.engine module defines classes that encapsulate various actions that can be performed on the optimization engine, including sending requests, retrieving responses, and interacting with the engine’s functionality. It also includes utilities for handling responses and model submissions.

This module also defines the ClusterEngine class, which extends the Engine class to interact with a cluster-based optimization engine. Additionally, the DirectEngine class is available to interact with a Cloud-hosted optimization engine.


Class representing the Cloud optimization engine for direct model submission and solution retrieval.

The DirectEngine has a limitation of ~5Mo JSon input size.

  • Methods:
    • echo() -> EchoResponse: Send an ’echo’ request to the engine and retrieve the echo response.
    • version() -> VersionResponse: Request the version information of the engine.
    • model(model: Modeller) -> SolutionResponse: Submit a model and retrieve the solution.

Engine (available soon)

Class representing the optimization engine and providing methods for interaction.

  • Methods:
    • echo() -> EchoResponse: Send an ’echo’ request to the engine and retrieve the echo response.
    • version() -> VersionResponse: Request the version information of the engine.
    • reset() -> StatusResponse: Reset the engine’s state.
    • stop() -> AbstractResponse: Stop the engine.
    • status() -> StatusResponse: Check the status of the engine.
    • model(model: Modeller) -> ModelJSonResponse: Submit a model for optimization.
    • current_model() -> ModelJSonResponse: Retrieve the current model from the engine.
    • solution() -> SolutionResponse: Retrieve the solution from the engine.

ClusterEngine (available soon)

Class extending Engine to interact with a cluster-based optimization engine.

  • Methods:
    • explain_current() -> ExplanationResponse: Retrieve the current explanation.
    • explain(model: Modeller) -> ExplanationResponse: Request an explanation for a model.
    • clean() -> StatusResponse: Clean the engine’s environment.
    • status() -> ClusterStatusResponse: Check the cluster’s health status.
    • remove_node(identifier: str) -> StatusResponse: Remove a node from the cluster.
    • enable_node(identifier: str) -> StatusResponse: Enable a disabled node in the cluster.
    • disable_node(identifier: str) -> StatusResponse: Disable a node in the cluster.


  • AbstractResponse: Base class for defining responses received from the optimization engine.
  • EchoResponse: Class representing the response received from the ’echo’ request.
  • VersionResponse: Class representing the response received from the ‘version’ request.
  • StatusResponse: Class representing the response received from status-related requests.
  • ModelJSonResponse: Class representing the response received after submitting a model.
  • SolutionResponse: Class representing the response received containing solution information.


This class represents the status of a cluster node in the optimization engine.


  • identifier: A unique identifier for the node.
  • url: The URL of the node.
  • is_enabled: A boolean indicating if the node is enabled.
  • message: A message associated with the node’s status.
  • is_busy: A boolean indicating if the node is currently busy.
  • number_of_solutions: The number of solutions found by the node.
  • is_failed: A boolean indicating if the node has failed.
  • is_awake: A boolean indicating if the node is awake.


Represents a response containing an echoed message from the optimization engine. Inherits from AbstractResponse.

  • get_status(): Always returns an empty string.
  • is_status_ok(): Always returns True.
  • get_message(): Retrieves the echoed message from the response.
  • get_content(): Retrieves the content of the response (the echoed message).


Represents a response containing a JSON representation of a model.


Represents a response containing status information from the optimization engine.


  • get_type(): Retrieves the type of the status response.
  • get_code(): Retrieves the code associated with the status response.
  • is_busy(): Checks if the engine is currently busy.
  • get_number_of_solution_found(): Retrieves the number of solutions found by the engine.


Represents a response containing solutions from the optimization engine.


  • get_solutions(): Retrieves a list of Solution objects representing the solutions.


Represents a response containing explanations from the optimization engine.


  • get_explanation(): Retrieves an Explanation object containing explanations.


Represents a response containing version information from the optimization engine.


  • get_app(): Retrieves the name of the application.
  • get_author(): Retrieves the author of the application.
  • get_version(): Retrieves the version of the application.
  • get_version_major(): Retrieves the major version number of the application.
  • get_version_minor(): Retrieves the minor version number of the application.
  • get_version_build(): Retrieves the build version number of the application.
  • get_release(): Retrieves the release information of the application.


Represents a response containing cluster status information from the optimization engine. Constructor takes response_content as an argument.

Contains a list of NodeStatus instances representing the status of individual cluster nodes. The constructor parses the response_content and populates the node_status_list.


Here’s how to use some of the classes and methods from the module:

from qaekwy.engine import DirectEngine
from qaekwy.model.modeller import Modeller

# Create an Engine client instance to connect to the optimization engine
engine = DirectEngine()

# Send an 'echo' request to the engine and print the result

# Request the version information of the engine
version_response = engine.version()

# Submit a model to the engine for optimization
model = Modeller()
# ...

# Submit a model and receive the solution
solution_response = engine.model(model)

#ย Get the list of solutions
list_of_solutions = solution_response.get_solutions()