Frequently Asked Questions

Q0: Is it “Qækwy” or “Qaekwy”?

Both: Qaekwy for technical documents, Qækwy for a nice writing.

Q1: What is Qaekwy?

Qaekwy is an optimization modelling framework that helps you solve complex optimization problems by creating models using variables, constraints, and objectives, and then finding optimal or near-optimal solutions.

Q2: What types of problems can I solve with Qaekwy?

Qaekwy can be used to solve a wide range of optimization problems including resource allocation, scheduling, logistics, financial planning, and more.

Q3: How do I define variables in Qaekwy?

Variables are defined using classes such as IntegerVariable, FloatVariable, or custom-defined variable classes. You can specify domains, expressions, and other attributes.

Q4: What are constraints ?

Constraints are conditions that must be satisfied by the variables in your optimization problem. You can define various types of constraints using expressions or built-in classes like ConstraintElement for example.

Q5: How do I set objectives in Qaekwy?

Objectives represent the goal you want to achieve in your optimization problem, either by maximizing or minimizing a variable’s value. You can set objectives using the add_objective method.

Q6: Can I use external data with Qaekwy?

Qaekwy does not connect to any data source as such. However, as it is a library to be integrated into an application, you can use the connectors of your choice and integrate the data into your modelling.

Q7: What are searchers in Qaekwy?

Searchers determine how Qaekwy explores the solution space to find optimal solutions. You can choose from different searcher strategies like Depth-First Search, Restart-based Search, and more.

Q8: How do I solve an optimization problem using Qaekwy?

After defining variables, constraints, and objectives, you can create an instance of your model class, then use a Qaekwy engine to solve the problem by calling the model method and retrieving the solutions.

Q9: Can Qaekwy handle complex constraints and expressions?

Yes, Qaekwy supports complex expressions involving variables, constants, and mathematical operators. You can create custom constraint classes or use built-in ones for specific types of constraints.

Q10: Is Qaekwy suitable for large-scale optimization problems?

Qaekwy is designed to handle problems of different sizes. While it can handle medium-sized problems efficiently, very large-scale problems require additional computing resources that the DirectEngine is unable to provide. This is why stand-alone and Cloud/Cluster instances will be created.